Taking Solid Sales Notes

reaching decision makers

Taking Notes

Salespeople often overlook the value of taking strong notes and simply trusting their memory to remember all the details of each client you speak with. With a number of prospects, this can become quite difficult and nearly impossible. So always remember to take strong notes.

Here are tips on note taking:

Objections and timelines. You will encounter prospects that have objections for purchasing or acquiring a new service. Maybe they have allotted their budget and cannot make another purchase until the next budget year. Whatever the case may be, document the details so you will know when to schedule a follow up call.

Personal Information. Some clients might mention upcoming plans including vacations, conferences or training. Document dates for future follow-up. Also document conversations you might have including, the weather, a ball game or maybe a new addition to their family. Use the acquired information for future call backs as it helps with rapport in future conversations.

Keep your notes brief. Gather all of the pertinent information needed for future call backs and sales but keep your notes brief but efficient with “need to know” information.

Use a CRM (customer relationship management) program to document prospects as well as help with future call backs. Organization is a huge factor in note taking and documentation for future business and closing rates.

About Rich Enterprises, Inc.

Since 1999, we have helped business across the USA and Canada reach their sales goals. We offer a suite of lead generation, telemarketing and inside sales services, that delivers the magic recipe to ensure your success!

Melissa Landis

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